Thank You, 2022

Ezra Olaoya (ETP)
5 min readDec 31, 2022

As the year has drawn to a close, I’ve naturally found myself in a reflective mood. We’ve reached that point when Spotify Wrapped and end-of-year Top 10 lists start to roll in relentlessly, compelling us to review the year that’s just gone by, so I guess this mood is only natural. I think what’s different for me this time though, is the fact 2022 has genuinely been the best year of my life so far. I’ve made memories to cherish, developed relationships, and uncovered a deeper understanding of myself and my purpose.

This blog has played a key role in my journey through 2022 so I thought it would be only right for me to close the year with one last post. There’s a lot I could write about, from music reviews to lessons learned from the year, but after consideration, I concluded that the only correct way for me to close the year would be by saying thank you.

Thank you to my community

A picture from my 21st Birthday Party with my people

Community and lamenting its supposed absence has been a hot topic this year. Despite this, I’ve felt the presence of a strong and caring community in my life in a way that is new to me this year. I don’t say this to dismiss anyone else’s concerns or to gloat, instead, I wish to express immense gratitude. I don’t take having people in my life with who I can chop life, debate, pray and scheme with for granted. My friends have turned up for me in ways I couldn’t have imagined: from constantly supporting me in everything I do, to traveling to visit me and organising a memorable 21st Birthday, they have truly gone above and beyond. Of course, family falls under the umbrella of community and I truly felt the love of my extended family this year. They facilitated my constant trips to London during term time and gave me a place to stay while I was working in the city over the summer holidays.

In a way, I’ve felt the lines between friends and family become blurred positively. Whether it be breaking bread with my people on a Sunday after church, watching football, discussing music, or distracting people attempting to study in the Faculty of Arts Building, I’ve built bonds with my people that I hope to last a lifetime. It would be remiss of me to leave out the way my community, from my parents and my brother, rallied around me to support me through a manic episode early on in the term. If there was one occasion that showed me just how loved I am, it would be this. Don’t get me wrong I felt the love on my birthday, but everyone likes to jaiye and it doesn’t cost too much to shake a leg. My episodes have led people to distance themselves from me in the past, and I can understand why. But it’s this fact that makes me so grateful for the people who had my back through such a difficult period.

Family that I’ve enjoyed friendship with and friends that have become family. I’m grateful for you and I hope I always show you that.

Thank you to the places that made me

A nickname I’ve picked up from my family recently is “Ajala”, after the Nigerian globetrotter who ventured into every corner of the earth. While I’m a far cry from that level, I thought it would be apt to thank the places that have formed my year.

Thank you, Coventry

for showing me that home is in the people. You’d think I would have realized this by now having gone to boarding school but after starting to grow strangely fond of Coventry I now understand that memories and people you love can help you find home in the most unlikely of places.

Thank you, London

It’s become a bit of a running joke with friends at uni that I’m always in London and as much as I could try to deny it, my trainline app would say otherwise. London has a special place in my heart. Not only is my girlfriend based there, but the city represents opportunity as much as it represents enjoyment. I’ve enjoyed many a concert, and many a motive in London and also spent many a minute complaining about my internship in the city this year but more importantly I’ve met some amazing people. Speaking to my friend, I realized just how important the fact that I spent the last two summers in London has been to my growth. In due course, that importance is only going to be more apparent, so thank you London, for showing me what’s possible.

Thank You, Dublin

Despite being my home, I’ve had an interesting relationship with Dublin since I started boarding school. As I grew older and lost touch with friends that I grew up with in Dublin I started to feel isolated in the city and so Dublin to me became my house. In recent times and this year particularly though I’ve met people and reconnected with people who have made me feel more at home in the city. There is a lot of exciting talent in Dublin and I can’t wait to see the story of the city unfold and look forward to being a part of that.

Thank You, Edinburgh

This summer I went back to visit my school in Edinburgh and I’d like to say Thank You Edinburgh, for showing me how much I’ve grown. Being in certain spaces and situations was a reminder of how much has changed for the better since I left school.

Thank you, Arsenal

As I’m writing this, I’m watching Arsenal play Brighton and I guess I should say thank you to Mikel Arteta and the Gunners for restoring the feeling. That Love-hate relationship is now slowly becoming a relationship of pure love. 10-year-old Ezra would have loved this moment.

Penultimately, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read anything I’ve written, it means a lot and is not something I take for granted.

Of course, to end I’ve got to thank God for sustaining me. Without Him, I wouldn’t be here and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to maintain gratitude through it all.

Here’s to an even better 2023.



Ezra Olaoya (ETP)

Connecting the dots. Sharing my perspective on things that matter to me.